Have you ever gotten to that point where you can smell your own smell? Admit it, everyone has been in this position before. (And I don't mean because you spilled while opening the perfume bottle, were doused in what used to be your favorite scent, and it took you weeks to get the smell out of your nose.)
You get a whiff of yourself and think, "If I can smell my own stink, certainly everyone else could hours or even days ago and they just are being too polite to say so."
Well, I'm at that point. I stink.
Don't get me wrong, I've sat in the bath tub several times since I got home on Saturday. I've (we've) sponged off the important places. I've (we've) flipped my head over the side of the tub and given the hair a wash. And yet, I still stink.
The last REAL shower/cleansing was last Friday morning at 6:15 am. It is now Wednesday morning at 10:20 am. That shower of 5 1/2 days ago is L-O-N-G gone.
Did I mention that the surgery was to remove the "fat pad" under my right arm. See all of those stitches in my arm pit? Those stitches can't get wet. You know what that means... My right arm pit has not been cleaned in 5 1/2 days! Yucko!
It is now "painfully" obvious that while a tumor, lymph nodes and a fat pad came out of my arm pit - sweat (read stink) glands did not. They have recovered quite nicely from the anesthesia and surgery and are working "as expected". I'm so happy for them :)
Today, I'm going to see my surgeon. I've heard tale of a plastic device with adhesive that you can put over a surgical site so you may attempt a shower without getting your stitches wet. They don't really want to give them to you unless you are desperate. I'm prepared to walk in this morning and announce, "I'M DESPERATE!"
But wait... won't it just cover up my stink glands so that they don't get washed... yet again? Crap!
I guess for now, there is only one thing left to say, "I apologize to anyone and everyone who comes in contact with my aroma over the next few days."

1 comment:
Have you read the kids book "Stinky Face"? If you haven't you should - for those who have not read it - (short version) the kid ask the parents if I have a Stinky Face would you still love me - so Andrea, since you have a Stinky Armpit - please know we still love you!!!!!
Vicki & Casey
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