Saturday, June 14, 2008


Did I mention --> CHEMO IS OVER!!!!

It seems like such an enormous accomplishment, and yet, in some ways, not so much.

Don't get me wrong, it certainly had its drawbacks and side effects - and I wouldn't want to do it again just for fun - but I feel very fortunate to have had a much easier experience than many people do.

Now we are on to radiation treatments. Part 3 of 3. Whew!

The not so funny part of cancer treatments is this: Despite all of the advances in medicine, it is still just a high-tech trifecta of medieval events. First they cut you open and take pieces out of your body. Then they poison you for months. And finally, they burn you into a crispy critter. About the only thing missing is leeches.

Still better than the alternative.

(Written in June - Posted in August because I apparently took summer vacation from posting items :)

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