Monday, April 14, 2008

Good People Surround Me

I have to make a side-step from my normal flippant posts to send a quick shout out to all of those who have been so supportive of me, and my family this year.

If you are reading this, I'm betting that you have offered your help. For that I say thank you, and your good thoughts are appreciated - and I may need to take you up on your offer, if I haven't already.

For those who have given food and flowers, I again say thank you, it was truly appreciated.

For those who have taken my children at various times, I say thank you - I hope they were polite and well behaved. And I'm sure they had a wonderful time.

However, over the past week, there has been quite a bit going on, and I would like to acknowledge those involved. Here's your shot at internet-blog-immortality!

I would like to thank:

  • in-laws and Kevin's 91 year old grandmother. The in-laws took both of my girls to West Palm Beach for several days over Spring Break to visit Great-Great. It sounds like fun was had by all.
  • ...the Williams family in Jacksonville, Fl who allowed us to invade their lives and crash at their house for 5 days and 4 nights. It was great to see you all, you treated us like royalty and we had a wonderful time.
  • ...Judy, my parents, Karen, Kevin and Peyton for helping me transform Caitlyn's room from the "nursery" into a Spiderman/Superhero room fit for a "big kid". She LOVED it!
  • ...the amazing group of sneaky friends (who happen to also be great neighbors) that transformed our neglected, winter-worn yard into a beautiful, spring-blooming-oasis. It really makes my heart want to burst at how much time, work and love you put into this surprise. Hugs and kisses to all - Marion, Randy, Sara, Mike, (Baby H.), Kirsten, Vicki, Debbie, Jan, Peter, Ced, Fred, Bessie & Tom.
If by chance I have missed anyone - please do not fret. My swiss-cheese brain will at some point remember, I will feel horrible, and I will try to make it up to you. And, if as I unpack from our trip, I can find the adapter for my camera, I will post pictures to go with this story.

Much love and thanks to all of my family, friends and support system!!!!!


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