Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Clean Scans - Yeah!

My scans showed nothing!!! No spread!!!

LOVE my surgeon. He called last night at 9:30pm to let me know all was clear. I actually slept well (the margaritas helped) and woke up with a clear head. I feel like my mind has been in a fog for several weeks and it has certainly lifted. The not knowing is the worst part. Now we mostly know what we are dealing with and we can attack it.


Debra V. said...

Really glad to hear that Andrea.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome news! Glad to hear it!

Shari said...


We HATE that you are going through this again, but thank God that it has not spread.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are saying all the four-letter words for you and may even have a margarita for you too!


Anonymous said...

Wishing you lots more "good news" in the future. Patricia

Anonymous said...

We're thinking about you and hope things go well with this monster. Tina

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your email came as a shock to me. Your positive attitude and "sassy/spunky" disposition will get you through this, though. That's what I love about you.

They aren't going to mess w/ your new perky boobs, are they?

I'm just sorry I don't live in Atlanta anymore so that I can help you out w/ the kids or with meals for you guys. I'll pray for you.

Thanks for creating the blog page. I'll check it regularly.

guestfam said...

I am still stunned by your email but so glad to follow it up with some good news today! We will be thinking of you and your family as you go through this again. Please let us help out however we can. Just call (or email), and I really mean it! If I'm here (or close by) I can help (especially if you need a drink ;) )! Hang in there!